Avoid trouble: Don’t put off septic tank repairs in 2025

Sep�c pumping is carried out all year round. However,
Dig out the top cover, often
Cement, can be more difficult if the soil
is frozen due to prolonged temperatures below freezing

CARMEL Putnam County health officials are reminding the public to have their wastewater treatment plant inspected in the new year, as protecting the environment is a 24/7 responsibility and it won't get any easier as climate change and extreme weather lead to increased rainfall, creating other challenges .

Joseph Paravati, Putnam's chief health engineer, explained, “New York State's MS4 code requirement, enacted in 2011, mandates septic tank pumping but leaves it up to local municipalities to set the exact deadline. Each town in Putnam has its own local law regarding pumping requirements, but since most homes in Putnam rely on septic systems rather than municipal wastewater treatment plants, the majority of Putnam residents are affected by this requirement.”

Like large municipal systems, individual home septic systems are designed to remove pathogens from anything that enters the home's sinks, tubs, and toilets. The first stage of this process takes place in the tank itself, where solid particles settle to the bottom and a layer of foam accumulates on top. The liquid in the middle flows from the tank into the drain or leach field, where a network of pipes extends into the garden and is usually buried no deeper than 18 to 24 inches in the ground. The liquid enters the ground through holes in the pipes, which further filters the wastewater before it reaches the water table or aquifer, while it continues to drain into nearby lakes, ponds and the lower aquifer.

A wastewater treatment plant fails when the water can no longer drain away because the seepage pipes are blocked or because the soil is excessively saturated. The first signs often include puddles in the lawn or dirt, or clogged toilets and sinks that won't drain. Leaks or overflows from the tank or drain fields can also cause bright green, lush grass to grow over them due to high nitrate levels. Along with coliform bacteria, nitrates can affect nearby wells; Algae blooms may occur in area lakes or ponds. A septic tank failure can cause a variety of health and financial problems for the homeowner. If the problem worsens, it will impact neighbors and ultimately the local community.

Other preventative measures homeowners can take to protect their septic system include throwing large food scraps in the trash or, better yet, composting them. Another good idea is to avoid multiple consecutive laundry washes in a single day to improve drainage. Both tactics reduce the load on the system. It may be obvious, but planting trees or driving a vehicle or other heavy equipment over the drainage field can weaken or damage the tank and field structure.

Regular pumping of a septic tank makes all the difference
System maintenance. Once the waste is removed, it is transported to a wastewater treatment plant

Putnam Health Commissioner Dr. Michael Nesheiwat, said, “Well-functioning septic systems are necessary for a healthy environment and clean water.” Through careful maintenance, homeowners can avoid pollution and more costly repairs. New York State has a sewer system replacement fund program for certain select locations in Putnam County. Residents can call the health department for more information about which communities are eligible for financial assistance.”

Home and property maintenance, including basic septic tank maintenance, can be even more challenging for those experiencing financial hardship. Residents with qualifying income may be eligible for loans or financial assistance through the nonprofit organization Putnam County Housing Corporation. This organization has two grants that provide financial assistance to people with limited income. Income restrictions apply to both. One could potentially cover repairs; while the other, only for seniors over 60, covers routine maintenance such as inspection and pumping. To learn more, contact the Putnam County Housing Corporation at 845-225-8493; or visit www.putnamhousing.com/home-improvement/.

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