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Calgary Herald David Parker’s Thursday column by Mike Scheuerman, inventor of Clog Boss. Photo from supplied photo /.Postmedia network
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We’ve all been through this. We stand in front of a toilet bowl that is dangerously close to the overflow and reach for the plunger.
Mike Scheuerman, a master plumber who has seen more than his share in this situation in his 35 years in the trade, got tired of trying to get the job done with the minimum of water splash down the floors and pant legs. Believing there had to be a better way, he set out to invent a new type of toilet block cleaning tool that eliminates problems and is much easier to use, while also preventing the transmission of viruses through airborne droplets.
He was working on prototypes in his garage and got to the point where he was happy with the original design of his Clog Boss – enough that he was brave enough to face the Dragon’s Lair, where he was told it was a great idea but it needs to be refined and more sales
Today, six revisions later, after working hard at night and on weekends, Scheuerman is pleased with the latest design, which is sold through wholesalers, retailers and online on Amazon.
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He was surprised at the number of sales that Amazon had recorded, including to a man in Austria who apparently sells clog bosses across Europe at a profit.
Technically, it seems pretty straightforward, like many well-thought-out ideas, but the new process tool required months of testing and modification to make it a salable product.
The traditional cup-type rubber piston is cumbersome, splatters, and has become even more inefficient with modern jet toilets which make it difficult to make a seal.
Clog Boss has a flexible foam tip that fits deep down the drain, is stabilized so it doesn’t slip, and sits over the jet in discharged toilets so the water doesn’t short out and waste pressure. Moving the hand pump gently up and down will greatly remove clogs.
No splash. If you then pump in soap and water, it will be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected inside and out.
Scheuerman notes that splashing raw sewage can contaminate the bathroom surface and result in direct body contact with a variety of harmful and infectious pathogens such as germs, bacteria and viruses – including COVID-19.
Alberta Health and the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) agree. Alberta Health responded to its query regarding transmission risk: If sewage is sprayed onto adjacent surfaces and into the air, a plumber can be exposed to COVID-19 and other disease-causing microorganisms. IAPMO recommends plumbers wear appropriate personal protective equipment to protect against aerosols and droplets.
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Clog Boss prevents splashing water and air pollution, so that plumbers and homeowners do not have to touch or breathe.
Scheuerman says splashing and placing the wet plunger on the floor doesn’t seem like a big deal next time around, but “when we take a closer look at the myriad of infectious germs, viruses and bacteria in a clogged toilet, don’t we? Does it make sense to treat raw sewage for the biohazard that it really is? “
Today infection is the focus and cannot be ignored which means Clog Boss should be a big winner.
So Scheuerman has to find a way to increase the productivity of his modern piston – it is amazing that no further improvement to the cup piston has emerged in the many decades.
He needs to expand marketing and retail sales channels to expand sales. This can result in the Canadian product being recognized by a larger company that makes the necessary investments.
Hospitals and clinics are obvious targets, and there are many toilets in North American homes that need to be cleared every now and then.
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David Parker appears regularly in the Herald. Read his columns online at He can be reached at 403-830-4622 or by email at [email protected].
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