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Pipe Repair
Pipe Repair and Replacement News
Superior Council Debates How To Fund Lead Pipe Replacements
SUPERIOR, Wisc. — The Superior City Council had quite the lengthy discussion Tuesday night on whether to support a change to state statute that would allow…
The Best Smart Home Gadgets to Keep Your Home Pipes From Freezing
From our own home of David Watksy to more than 250,000 American houses affected every year, frozen whistling can meet every house with unexpected winter weather. When frozen pipes…
Richmond District | Section of Route 667 (Johns Road) to Close for Culvert Pipe Replacement
Motorists should use the posted detour route
RICHMOND— Weather permitting, the Virginia Department of…
NY works to replace lead water pipes despite funding challenges / Public News Service
Despite sharp national political departments, states, including New York, work on eliminating lead in drinking water pipes.The current challenge is…
Republicans push to block Biden-era lead pipe replacement rules
Republicans in Congress and the Trump administration are moving to repeal Biden-era regulations that mandate replacing all lead pipes within 13 years and lowering allowable lead…
Curious Iowa: How do you prevent burst or frozen pipes?
The gazette offers audio versions of articles with Ituread. Some words can be pronounced wrong.
When Todd Bell…
Water supply to about 20 homes in Lavender area restored; underground pipe burst on Feb 1
SINGAPORE – Water supply to several households in the Lavender area that had been disrupted owing to a burst underground water pipe on Feb 1 has been restored.In an update on Feb…
Future uncertain for Wausau’s lead pipe replacement program
Damakant JAYSHIAlthough Wausau's Lead Service Line exchange program is planned as planned in 2025, a Federal Executive Order, in which the payment of infrastructure -related…
Gloversville OKs resolution to replace remaining lead pipes | leaderherald
The project intends to replace the 25% of pipes that have not been replaced by the Water Works department. Mayor Vincent DeSantis said the additional funding will complete the…
City of Lander urges residents to take action against freezing pipes
The city of Lander emphasizes how important it is to take on current measures to prevent frozen pipes. In order to reduce the risk of freezing, the residents are encouraged, a…