Curious Iowa: How do you prevent burst or frozen pipes?

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When Todd Bell went to the Cedar Rapids American Youth Soccer organization in the training facility of the American Youth Soccer organization 2500 16th AVE SW on January 22nd, he immediately knew that something was wrong.

“I heard a noise and not something that I usually hear,” Bell, coaching director of Ayso and Ayso United, told The Gazette.

A copper pipe was planned and had water sprayed in the air.

“Fortunately, the field didn't come up,” he said. “It just got the floor wet right next to the walls.”

The day before, the Windkühl in Cedar power fast was dropped to minus 17 degrees with a high of only 7 degrees. When it warmed up on January 22nd, the ice cream exchanged and the water broke out of the broken pipe.

A inhabitant of Iowa City wrote to Curious Iowa, a series from the Gazette, which answers the readers' questions to find out what people can do to prevent frozen or burst whistles.

We spoke to Ron Valenta, co -owner of Valenta Plumbing in Cedar Rapids, about what Iowans can do to keep your pipes going during the freezing winter temperatures.

Why are pipes freezing and bursting?

Pipes freeze when cold air reaches them. When water is freezing, it expands and excessive pressure in the tube breaks.

According to Valenta, copper pipes are the most common pipes to freeze and burst, while galvanized steel and networked polyethylene (PEX) -ready not break when water is freezing inside.

“The Pex tube will expand and go down again, but nothing is 100 percent. But the Pex tube was great to reduce the pipes, ”said Valenta.

If a pipe is damaged when freezing, the full extent of the damage is only realized when the ice dust.

“When it starts to warm up, it begins to lick and then the damage happens by leaving the water.” Said Valenta.

He said that the costs for the repair of burst pipes were stipulated from case to case. If it is a simple break in an exposed area, it can cost a few hundred dollars. When the pipe is in a difficult to reach area, the pricing varies.

How to prevent pipes from freezing, breaking

Burn trimble with Valenta Plumbing repaired a burst water pipe in the Ayso United Training Facility in Southwest Cedar Rapids (Jim Slosiek/The Gazette) on January 22nd)

Burn trimble with Valenta Plumbing soldiers a shut-off valve on a copper tube, while on January 22, he sets a burst water pipe in the Ayso United Training Facility in Southwest Cedar Rapids (Jim Slosiek/The Gazette)

A new shut-off valve and a new copper pipe will be seen after burning trimble on January 22nd in the Ayso United training facility in the Southwest Cedar Rapids a burst water pipe in the ASO united training facility. (Jim Slosiek/The Gazette)

According to Valenta Plumber Burning Trimble, the culprit was a draft from an outer door for the Burst pipe in the Ayso training field. It took about 10 minutes to repair it.

The best way to prevent a frozen or a stream is to ensure that cold air cannot reach pipes. Valenta Plumbing recommends identifying designs and preventing cold air from getting into it. The source is to be stopped

“Stop the source,” said Valenta.

If the temperatures drop dangerously low, you should drip or run your taps during the night.

“You don't have to drip it every 10 seconds, hot or cold just to be safe,” said Valenta.

You can also open cabinet doors so that pipes are not cut off by warm air under a sink.

If you leave your home from a longer period of time, the American Red Cross recommends that your thermostat is not determined less than 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Consider ask a trustworthy neighbor, think of your house to ensure that the water is still running.

You can also insulate your pipes with pool noodles or products such as foam tube sleeves. According to the American Red Cross, 1/4 inch newspaper in areas that usually do not have frequent or longer temperatures at freezing can offer considerable protection. “

Outdoor fittings often freeze and break. This typically occurs when hoses are left on taps and capture air and water. Protect exterior fittings by losing hoses and draining before the temperatures drop.

How to swap a frozen tube

An ice layer can be seen along the inner wall, as a burning trimble with Valenta sanitary on January 22, a burst water pipe in the American Youth Soccer Organization United Training in Southwest Cedar Rapids repaired (Jim Slosiek/The Gazette)

An ice layer can be seen along the inner wall, as a burning trimble with Valenta sanitary on January 22, a burst water pipe in the American Youth Soccer Organization United Training in Southwest Cedar Rapids repaired (Jim Slosiek/The Gazette)

The Burst pipe in the football training field reminded Bell last winter when a pipe frozen in his house. The temperatures fell below zero and it was particularly windy on the side of the house where his kitchen is located. After the water hadn't run, Bell worked to soak up the line.

“We had to use block heaters there, hairdryer and whatever we could do to try to get started,” said Bell.

According to Valenta, frozen pipes usually occur in older houses with leaks in the foundation or in pipes on outer walls.

If your home has a frozen tube, place a gentle heat source on it like a favorite dryer, an electric heating pillow or towels that are soaked in hot water. Do not use an open flame on the tube. If you cannot reach or find where the pipe is frozen, contact a licensed plumber.

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