Freezing weather brings concerns about freezing pipes

JONESBORO, Ark. (KAIT) – Icy weather is hitting Region 8 this week.

“You actually need to make sure it’s going to be cold for several days,” said Nuckles & Son Plumbing Manager Heather Campbell.

With our first close look at subfreezing temperatures, concerns about freezing pipes are increasing.

When looking at the risk of freezing pipes, Chris West Plumbing owner Chris West said they focus not only on the low temperatures, but also the high temperatures and how long they stay below freezing.

“Since our traditional design in our area isn't really designed for long-term freezing events, as a professional I'm asking what the minimum is and whether it will stay below freezing for more than 24 hours,” he told Westen.

Even though the risk of pipes freezing isn't high this time, that doesn't mean you shouldn't take steps to prevent it.

“It’s good to always keep the closets open in your home,” Campbell said. “If there are exterior walls in your rooms, such as bathrooms on an exterior wall, space heaters are always helpful too.”

Another good tip is to keep water flowing from your faucets, but that only applies to indoor faucets.

“A lot of times people really neglect taking care of their outdoor faucets,” West said. “You have to go around and make sure the hoses are disconnected, and covering the faucets is a really good idea.”

If you notice that water is not flowing from your faucet, it is a sign that a pipe is frozen.

West added that if the water main can be turned off, that could help with potential damage.

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