Future uncertain for Wausau’s lead pipe replacement program

Damakant JAYSHI

Although Wausau's Lead Service Line exchange program is planned as planned in 2025, a Federal Executive Order, in which the payment of infrastructure -related funds pauses, has the future of the program in Flux.

On January 20, President Donald Trump granted an executive regulation in which the withdrawals in accordance with the Inflation Reducation Act (IRA) and cross -party infrastructure law (Bil) were subjected to. A move that right -wing experts say that the congress has already approved the money. As a result, the city's staff was decreased after the investigation of the effects on the program of several million dollars. According to city officials, the spare parts set for this year are actually completed as planned.

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“The replacement for the lead service line is expected to progress for 2025,” Michael Martens, chairman of the Finance Committee of Wausau Finance, told this newspaper. “The [Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources] Has the financing of 2025 for the Safe Trink Water program, which we sometimes use as the main loan for forgiveness. “

However, he said that the future of the program beyond 2025 remains uncertain. “In the coming months, we will have a clearer picture of how the changes and funding of the federal government will affect our LSL substitute program when we go beyond this year.”

Wausau aims to replace 1,900 lead service lines in the context of its Equiflow program under the direction of community infrastructure partners. Homeowners who are covered as part of the 2025 program do not have to pay the replacement costs. In a press release on January 17, the city announced that it was assigned $ 15 million.

On Friday, the city published its inventory of the water service and asks the homeowners in targeted areas to contact the employees. “In 2025, the city will be replaced free of charge for homeowners in the following areas: Popular counting areas 6.01, 6.02, 4, 5, 7 and 8,” says the publication.

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