Heart of the Valley Awards Contract for Sewerage Rehabilitation Project | WTAQ News Talk | 97.5 FM · 1360 AM
Heart of the Valley Metropolitan Sewerage District, September 28, 2022.
PC: Fox 11 Online
KAUKAUNA, WI (WTAQ-WLUK) — A rehabilitation project for the Heart of the Valley Metropolitan Sewerage District can move forward.
Officials say it awarded a contract for the interceptor rehabilitation project to Visu-Sewer, Inc., of Pewaukee, during its Tuesday meeting where two bids were received and carefully reviewed.
The Heart of the Valley staff says Visu was the low and most responsive bidder, coming in at $18,148,027.
During a video inspection, surface corrosion was discovered in a 5.5-mile concrete pipe that carries wastewater from nearly 60,000 residents to the Heart of the Valley Metropolitan Sewerage District treatment plant in Kaukauna along the Fox River. The pipe was originally installed in 1977.
By addressing the corrosion of the pipe now, the district will avoid a more costly repair or replacement at a later date and will prolong the life of the pipe by an estimated 50 years.
Visu’s proposed preliminary schedule will rehabilitate most of the system in 2024. The project is scheduled for completion during 2025.
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