Helpline to report unsafe sewer cleaning practices launched

This is in line with the “Safaimitra Suraksha Challenge” launched by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs to mechanize the cleaning of sewers and septic tanks in cities.

Metrowater has launched a hotline 14420 through which residents can register complaints about unsafe practices when cleaning septic tanks or the sewer network.

A press release said residents could tell them about unsafe practices, such as workers not wearing safety masks, belts and gloves, and unauthorized entry into septic tanks and manholes.

This is in line with the “Safaimitra Suraksha Challenge” launched by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs to mechanize the cleaning of sewers and septic tanks in cities.

Such unsafe operations have resulted in worker death. In addition, homeowners or contractors who employ workers in unsafe cleaning conditions are punishable under the ban on manual scavengers and their 2013 Rehabilitation Act, the press release said.

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