Lake Tarpon Septic-to-Sewer Conversion Project

Lake Tarpon is designated as a Florida Outstanding Aquatic and Fish Management Area. At four square miles, it is the largest lake in Pinellas County and its watershed covers 52 square miles. The lake is a valuable recreational destination and is known for its largemouth bass fishing.

Lake Tarpon faces three major challenges.

  • A deterioration in water quality due to heavily urbanized watersheds.
  • Unbalanced fish communities.
  • Increased nuisance algae blooms and non-native vegetation.

The Lake Tarpon Septic Tank to Sewer Conversion Project will help address these issues by removing watershed nutrient inputs from septic tanks and drainage fields in surrounding communities. Reducing the levels of nutrients reaching Lake Tarpon will also help restore the hydrology and habitats of the lake and surrounding wetlands.

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