Lengthy home building delays spark court case

Hundreds of BGC Housing Group customers, frustrated by long delays in building a new home, are launching a lawsuit for compensation from the construction giant.

Current clients of WA’s largest and fourth largest construction company in Australia have secured Morgan Alteruthemeyer Legal Group to represent them and are raising litigation funding to fund a class action lawsuit in federal court.

Building a home should be a time of excitement, but for hundreds of BGC customers, it has meant fear and disappointment.Recognition:Getty/Composite

BGC Housing Group includes Aussie Living Homes, Homestart, Smart Homes for Living, Now Living, Terrace and Ventura South West.

A spokeswoman said construction times were in line with current industry standards of 18 to 24 months for construction.

“Housing construction across Australia has been hit by severe labor and material shortages as a result of the pandemic,” she said.

“The Housing Industry Association’s June jobs report found that the availability of skilled jobs across Australia was at its worst shortfall since the report’s inception in 2003.

“This has caused delays for many builders, which is understandably frustrating.

“This is especially true for those customers who took advantage of the $45,000 federal and state stimulus payment, which has now created a job backlog for all homebuilders.”

In June 2020, the federal government announced the HomeBuilder stimulus program, which aims to boost economic activity in the construction sector, which had been suffering from forced closures early in the pandemic.

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