Company name and address: Centex Plumbing Services in Copperas Cove
Question: What does your company offer?
Reply: We provide plumbing services for the Central Texas region.
Question: When did you get into the business? When did you bring your company to the region?
Reply: We have been in business for almost two years. My family and I grew up in this area and we love it.
Question: Why did you start the company?
Reply: After working for another company for 20 years, I decided to start my own business. I felt like I had learned everything I needed to study and felt confident that I could go out on my own and make a better living for myself and my family.
Question: What service do you offer residents?
Reply: We offer all the plumbing services that you need, from changing the water heater to leaking taps and sewage safety devices to building a new one. We can do anything.
Question: How has the coronavirus affected your company?
Reply: We have been really blessed by all of this because no matter what happens, people still need sanitation services. We had to take extra precautions due to the virus, such as: For example, frequently bleaching all machines and tools, constantly spraying things with Lysol, and ordering gloves and masks for our workers, and making sure that when we get home we take extra measures not to harm our families prevent being out and about all day.
Question: What else would you like to tell the readers about your company?
Reply: Centex Plumbing Services offers free estimates. We focus on quality, not quantity, and strive to offer the fairest prices we can. 20 years of experience, experience you can count on.
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