Plumbing school hopes to build on Beech Grove Marsh store site

Beech Grove – Generations of residents Beech Grove used to bought food on the corner of 18th Avenue and the Albany Street, but the site has been given up for years. Now a sanitary school wants to dare to jump and build on the abandoned property.


Mechanical Skills, a commercial school that is currently on the East Side of Indianapolis, acquired the former Marsh Grocery Store and hopes to move his business after Beech Grove.

“We wanted this central place,” said Chuck Gillespie by Indiana Plumbing, Heating and cooling entrepreneurs. “We have a lack of probably 500 to 1,000 plumber in Indiana and the facilities we currently have are tight.”

Beech Grove's Marsh Castle when the 2017 supermarket chain went bankrupt. A Safeway food, which was completed by Marsh, was abandoned and demolished by 2022.

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James Coffman, Mayor of Beech Grove in Beech, said that the supermarket was a difficult sale on the real estate market.

“It was hard. This lot has been a focus for the city for many years,” said Coffman. “When we lost the old Safeway a few years ago, it was difficult. I bought in Marsh all the time. My father -in -law was a manager here.”

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Coffman said the closure of the nearby Saint Francis Hospital in 2012 contributed to the economic fear of the neighborhood.

He is confident that the addition of hundreds of potential plumber in Buche Grove could revive the area every night.

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“I think this is a positive use for this website and will stimulate more development in this way,” said Coffman. “This is a main corridor in the city of Beech Grove. There are so many areas of the city for it, and I think that will contribute to it.”

The City Council of Beech Grove must approve an inquiry to rededicate before mechanical skills can begin to set up.

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